“We strive to identify, nurture and polish communication skills by providing meticulously crafted training simulations for its participants.”
In 2016, he guided me, a young non-English public speaker, to become an International Humorous Speech champion. Stuart guided me on the foundation, technicality and mentality of a good humorous speech. For anyone who is keen to build a strong foundation, I strongly recommend Stuart.
Allen Ang
Champion of District 87 Toastmasters Humorous Speech Contest 2016
Stuart has an amazing skill to train and develop abilities among people. In 2016, I was assigned the role of panellist and moderator for two regional level conferences and I was very nervous as I had never done it before. However, with Stuart’s guidance and constructive feedback, I was able to successfully complete my task and was even invited again for the same role this year by the same organizers.
Heidi Farah Rahman
Head of Competition and Consumer Affairs Division Department of Economic Planning and Development, Prime Minister’s Office, Brunei Darussalam
Stuart has an amazing ability to break a speech down into its nitty-gritty and offer you a quick 360-degree analysis of its worth. He has a superior skill to tailor recommendations to suit the individual’s needs and challenges you to go beyond your limits. If you need a comprehensive, direct, no-nonsense feedback on your work, Stuart is the person to go to.
Pooja Shivanand
Champion of District 87 Toastmasters Evaluation Contest 2016
Alhamdulillah dengan ilmu,dorongan dan keperihatian yang beliau berikan, saya berjaya memenangi tempat kedua dalam pertandingan ‘TAIB Entrepreneurs Pitching Competition’. Saya mungkin tidak akan berada di mana saya sekarang tanpa ilmu yang di ajarkan oleh beliau.
Ak Ahmad Akram bin Pg Hj Md Idrus
Owner of Steamy Ridez and Cleaning Services
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